There are a few bugs and issues that I need to own up to due to a lack of adequate testing on my part. I’ll own up to them here but note that as yet I have yet to fix any of them.
Firstly it turns out the main email address – the one I say you need to send all queries to – hasn’t been monitored at all since the 2022 competition. I thought I had it set up to forward emails to my main address but it turns out I did not. Luckily I only had two emails in there and one of those was from this year. I will monitor this address properly going forward!
Next – on the main page for all players except the one that put their guess in first, the table suggests that everyone’s placing in the competition has dropped one from the previous day, even though there (a) isn’t a previous day because we haven’t started yet and (b) everyone is in joint first and so the implication is that you were in zeroth place yesterday. Super nonsensical. I’m aware of the bug and will have that tidied up as soon as I can!
Also, the scoring flip means I quickly bodged a change to the “number of points left to play for” box and clearly didn’t think the logic through enough because that box currently thinks there is 24 fewer points left than there actually is. I’ll engage brain correctly and try and get that sorted shortly!
There is also a bug where if you try to set your first guess this year to the same thing you happened to have as your final guess as last year, it’ll reject it as a duplicate guess. I note from the error logs that one player tried to set their guess and was rejected as such so I’m controversially going to manually add that guess to the database and get them going, and then I will work on fixing the bug. In the meantime, if you encounter it, please try guessing something else first and then guess again to set it to what you actually want!
Apologies for all of this, and good luck everyone!
All these bugs are now fixed! Look forward to seeing the new ones that crop up tomorrow!